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3 Signs Your Furnace in Auburn, WA, Is Inefficient

Adjusting Thermostat For Inefficient Furnace

If you plan to stay warm in Auburn, WA, this winter without forking over a fortune, you’ll need an efficient furnace. It’s important to know when efficiency is dropping and take action to counteract the decline. Here are three signs you have an inefficient furnace:

High Heating Bills

Your heating bills provide the most direct standard by which you can evaluate the efficiency of your furnace. If you haven’t been using your furnace any more than usual but find your heating bills increasing, your system’s efficiency is falling.

The fear of rising heating bills should also give you a clear incentive to provide your furnace with professional-grade maintenance services at least once every year. During tuneups, service technicians will remove debris, lubricate various parts and perform diagnostic tests. This will slow down the rate at which your system’s efficiency declines.

Slow or Inconsistent Heating

If you notice your furnace can no longer heat your home as quickly, you can safely deduce it’s in some kind of trouble. Falling efficiency is only one of the forms that this trouble can take, but it’s a major one. If your furnace heats your home inconsistently or leaves it with a series of mysterious cold spots, it’s not efficient.

Short-Cycling Furnace

Every furnace should pass through alternating periods of action and rest that we call cycles. Sometimes, your furnace might end a cycle before it can properly heat your home. We call this behavior short cycling, and it’s destructive to your furnace’s long-term survival and its ability to keep you warm in the moment.

To stay comfortable through the frigid winters of Auburn, WA, you must watch your furnace’s efficiency levels like a hawk. As soon as you notice anything wrong, call our team at Mountain Heating & Cooling to schedule our heating repair services.

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